Specifies the relationship between two business components. The relationship can be one-to-many (1:M), such as parent/child, or many-to-many (M:M).
A link defines a one-to-many (or master-detail) relationship between two business components. The Link object type makes master-detail views possible, in which one record of the master business component displays with many detail business component records that correspond to the master.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A Join object definition creates a relationship between a business component and a table other than its base table.
This relationship allows the business component to use columns from the other table. The join uses a foreign key in the business component to obtain rows on a one-to-one basis from the joined table, even though the two tables do not necessarily have a one-to-one relationship.
Join have 1:1 and Many:1 RelationShip.
Drill Down
Drilldowns allow users to click a hyperlink in a field and be taken to another view that displays more information about the field. Drilldowns are used primarily in list applets. The drilldown object is a child object of applet. Drilldown behavior is not supported on MVG applets, pick applets, or association applets.
Drilldowns can be either STATIC or DYNAMIC:
1 A static drilldown always takes the user to the same view.
2 Dynamic drilldown enables hyperlink navigation to multiple views from the same hyperlink field, depending on the value of a field in the applet's current record.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Applet toggles allow users to switch back and forth between different applets within the same view. This is useful when you want to display different types of data or present the same data in a different way. There are two types of applet toggles, static and dynamic:
■ Static applet toggles. Allow users to toggle between applets by selecting the name of the applet from the Show drop-down list.
■ Dynamic applet toggles. Automatically toggles between applets based on the value of a field in a parent applet.
Different between Static Picklist and Dynamic Picklist
Static picklists differ from dynamic picklists in the following ways:
■ They are different in that a static picklist does not draw values dynamically from a pick business component. A static picklist is a static list of available selection values. Configuration of these values is an administration activity that is performed in the List of Values Administration view in a Siebel application.
■ They are different in that a static picklist generally does not invoke a dialog box with multiple list columns and buttons. All that appears is a simple one-column pop-up list, without buttons.
■ They are different in that a static picklist does not populate multiple controls in the originating applet. It populates a single control in the applet, and the corresponding field in the underlying business component.
Dynamic Picklist
Dynamic picklists allow the user to populate fields by selecting values from a list. However, rather than drawing the values from the list of values table, a dynamic picklist draws its values from another user-maintained business component.
Fields that use dynamic picklists are typically joined fields displaying data from a table other than the business component’s base table.
The dynamic picklist allows users to update the joined field. Dynamic Pick Lists are exposed in the user interface using Pick applets. Pick applets allow users to select a value from a list, and have the selection entered into controls or list column cells.
Static Picklist
A static picklist is a list of predefined values that the user invokes from a field in an applet. When the user clicks the drop-down arrow to the right of the field, a single-column picklist appears. The user selects a value from the list, and then clicks Save to enter the value for the field.
The values in the picklist are predefined by an administrator or developer and stored in the list of values (S_LST_VAL)table.
A picklist can be bounded or unbounded. A bounded picklist allows the user to select values from the list only. An unbounded picklist allows users to select values from the list or type values directly into the field
Picklists allow users to populate a field by selecting values from a list rather than typing them in fields. There are two types of picklists: static and dynamic.
■ Static picklists draw their data from the Siebel list of values table, which is maintained by an administrator. The data in the list of values(S_LST_VAL)table is fairly static.
■ Dynamic picklists draw their data from other user-maintained tables, such as S_CONTACT or S_ORG_EXT. The data of these tables is dynamic.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Shuttle Applets
Shuttle applets allow users to associate detail records to a parent record and create new records. shuttle applets is the same as the architecture described in for association applets. However, shuttle applets are rendered using two specialized Web templates (CCPopupListAssoc.swt and CCPopupListMVG.swt).
Items on shuttle applets come from the repository object definitions of both the association applet and the MVG applet. Shuttle applets do not support popup applets. You cannot invoke a popup applet from a shuttle applet.
The following items are taken from the Association applet:
■ Applet header (New, Query, Find, Starting With).
■ The Available label.
■ The list body on the left side of the shuttle applet.
The following items are taken from the MVG applet:
■ The Selected label.
■ The list body on the right side of the shuttle applet.
■ OK button in the lower right corner.
■ The Add, Add All, Remove, and Remove All buttons in the middle.
Association Applets
Association applets are used with pairs of business components that have a many-to-many relationship. Association applets can be invoked from master-detail views or from MVG applets. They allow users to associate a parent record with one or more children through an intersection table.
Association applet presents the user with a selection list of available detail records. If users see the desired detail record in the selection list, they choose it. If not, they have the option to create a new detail record.
In the context of a many-to-many relationship, creating a new association for an existing detail record is called association; creating a new detail record and an association is called addition. Both association and addition of detail records result in the creation of a new row in the intersection table.
File Attachment Applet
A file attachment applet (or attachment applet) provides access to external documents, such as
spreadsheets, word processing documents, and slide presentations, from within Siebel applications.
A file attachment applet provides the following capabilities:
■ Allows the user to open a document of any Windows-supported file type by clicking on its name in a list.
■ Allows the user to add document files to a list, edit them, or remove them.
■ Provides synchronization and shared access support for attached documents.
Each document is represented by a row in the attachments list. The document.s filename, local/server status, file size, Windows file type (filename extension), and date of last update are displayed. Additionally, the name of each file appears in underlined, colored text, indicating that the file may be opened in the appropriate Windows application by clicking on the name.
Users add documents to the attachment list by choosing the New File button or selecting Menu >New Record, and then clicking the select button in the Attachment Name field.
Multi-Value Group Applet
A multi-value group (MVG) applet is a dialog box that provides the means to display and maintain a set of records of data from another business component associated with the currently displayed business component record. The multi-value group applet is invoked from a control or list column in the originating applet.
MVG applets appear when the user clicks the select icon in the originating applet. It lists the multivalue group business component records that are detail records in the master-detail relationship with the current originating business component record.
It also provides the means to add and delete detail records. The multi-value group applet contains list column object definitions that present the data from corresponding fields in the multi-value group business component.
Pick Applets
Pick applets are invoked by clicking the Select button that appears next to certain fields. Pick applets contain a scrolling list table of available selections in one list column, with the information from related fields in adjacent list columns. The user selects a row in the list table and clicks the OK button to accept the selection.
For example: when a user clicks the Select button in the Account field in the Opportunity Form applet, the Pick Account dialog box (pick applet) appears for the selection of an account. When an account has been selected, and the Pick Account dialog box has been dismissed, the Account text box contains the selected account, and the Site text box in the originating applet contains the site that corresponds to the selected account.
Chart Applet
A chart applet graphically displays data from a business component in various formats for analysis of trends, category comparison, and other data relationships. Any data in a business component can be included in a chart.
The user can select different chart types from the Type picklist at the upper right in most chart applets. Chart types provide various layout options, including horizontal bar, stacked bar, pie, line, scatter, spline, and combo (combined line and bar). Several of these are available in either 2- or 3-dimensional format.
Tree Applet
A tree applet is used to create a view, called an explorer view, that allows the user to navigate hierarchically through a structured list of records of related business components.
A tree applet in an explorer view is similar in operation to the Object Explorer and Object List Editor in Siebel Tools.
The user may expand and collapse folders in the tree applet, and view the records in that folder in the list applet. A tree applet in an explorer view uses the set of master-detail(parent-child) implemented in the business object assigned to the view.
List Applet
A list applet allows you to display multiple records at one time. List applets present data in table format with multiple columns. Each row of the table represents a record from the applet’s Bc. List applets allow users to scroll through multiple records of data and see several fields for each record.
List applets are associated to a single business component. The “List Column” child object associates fields on the business component to applet Web template items, which are mapped to placeholders in the applet Web templates associated to the applet.
Form Applet
A form applet presents business component information as a data-entry form. It allows you to display many fields for a single record. Form applets can provide a complete view of a record and are useful for data entry because users are able to access all the necessary fields at once.
Form applets are associated to a single business component. "Control" objects (child of applet) associate fields on the business component to applet web template items, which are mapped to placeholders in the applet web templates associated to the applet.
Applets are user interface objects that allow users to view, enter, and modify data from a single business component. They occupy a section of a view and include data controls, such as fields, text boxes, and check boxes, as well as other types of controls, such as buttons that invoke methods and ActiveX controls.
Applets can be configured to display as:
1 Form Applets, 5 Chart Applets,
2 List Applets, 6 Tree Applets,
3 Pick Applets, 7 Association Applets,
4 Shuttle Applets, 8 Multi-Value Group Applets.,
Business Object ( bo )
A business object represents a major functional area of the enterprise. Examples of business objects are Opportunity, Account, and Contact. Business objects group business components into logical units. Business objects provide the foundation for views and screens.
For example: the Opportunity business object groups together the Opportunity, Contact, and Product business components.
Business Component ( bc )
A business component is a logical representation of one or more tables. BC provide the foundation for controlling how data is selected, inserted, and updated in underlying tables. Business components can be included in one or more business object definitions.The main data for a business component comes from a base table and one or more joined extension tables.
For example:the Account business component is based on the S_PARTY table, but most of the data retrieved by the business component is stored in the joined extension table, S_ORG_EXT.
About Siebel-CRM.. ..
Siebel is a brand name of Oracle Corporation. Siebel System Inc., founded by Thomas Siebel in 1993, was principally engaged in the design, Development, Marketing and support of CRM applications. On September 12,2005 Oracle Corporation had agreed to buy Siebel System for $5.8 billion.
Major Releases:
Oracle Siebel 8.0
Oracle Siebel 7.8
Siebel 7.7
Siebel 7.5
Siebel 7.0
Siebel 6 (also known as Siebel 2000)
Siebel 99
Siebel 98
Siebel system is the worlds leading provider of “Customer Relation Management " software solutions and a leading provider of software applications for business intelligence and standard-based integration. Siebel provide CRM software solutions for any kind of organization, any type of business and any type of budget.
What is CRM?
CRM Stands for “Customer Relationship Management“. CRM is a Process or Methodology used to learn more about customers needs and behaviors in order to develop stronger relationships with them.
It will help together lots of Pieces of information about Customer, Sales, Marketing effectiveness, and responsiveness and Market trends.CRM is the Business Strategy that aims to Understand, Anticipate, and Manage and personalize the needs of an Organizations Current and Potential Customer.
Oracle Siebel Basics and FAQs
Organization Columns16 years ago